Kim and I will be heading to Book Expo America again this year. If you aren’t familiar with what this convention is, check out their website. It’s THE place for publishers to talk about their upcoming titles, and it’s THE place to meet and interact with other people in the publishing business (publicists, media, bloggers, and librarians). For Kim and I, this is a great time to both have on our librarian hats and our blogging hats, since we get a sneak peek at what’s coming out.
If you’re going this year, make sure you check out our series last year about the experience here. We’ve offered up our tips and tricks from experience.
The key to this conference is to have a plan, but be willing to deviate completely. Pack well, and make sure you know where the shipping room is in the expo center. Bring plenty of patience and be laid back — you have to wait in long lines some times, but remember, you have books you can read in the mean time.
If you have questions or want more insight, drop a comment and we’d be happy to answer as best we can. And if you’re going to BEA, make sure you say hi to us if you see us.
I'm so excited! It feels like it is right around the corner!
I'm so excited!! I've never been (hadn't even HEARD of it until a few weeks ago) but Janssen convinced me and we're going. I'm definitely going to be reading through your series. I need to know what I'm up against.
Freckles in April