I’ve been in a bit of a reading rut lately. It’s not that I’ve been reading bad book after bad book, more like nothing amazing has been grabbing me lately, nothing that I want to shout to the world about and beg everyone to read. My Jen’s Favorites shelves on Goodreads has been mysteriously lacking in 2012 reads.
Inspired by Janssen’s Tell Me What to Read series, I figured I’d ask YOU what I should pick up next. I have a few choices in mind that have been lingering in my stacks, but feel free to offer other choices, too. What am I going to love, what am I not going to want to put down?
So far my options are:
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
I bought this years ago. Most everyone I know seems to rave about it, and it’s a Printz Winner. I just haven’t got around to it, no matter how many times I’ve picked it up for consideration.
Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown
Jennifer Brown is one of my favorite authors and I just got this one a few weeks ago. I’ve heard good things.
11/23/63 by Stephen King
Except for On Writing, I’ve actually never read a Stephen King book. But this one has time travel (my favorite), and my husband loved it. I bought this one a few months after it came out, but keep getting intimidated by the size.
Any other suggestions?
I've read Perfect Escape, it wasn't as great as I had expected, but in all it's not a bad book. Brown does a pretty decent job at writing about OCD.
I haven't read Jellicoe Road yet, but I've heard mostly praise for it. Plus, it's by Melina Marchetta and she is among the best!
So overall, my vote is for Jellicoe Road.
The Sharp Time by Mary O'Connell
Yes! Definitely The Sharp Time!
I really want/need to read Jellicoe Road as well. Pick that one 🙂
If it's anything, I put Perfect Escape smack in the middle of the strengths of Brown's three books. I didn't care a lot for Jellicoe Road when I read it, uhm, years ago. Can't help you on the King book BUT I heard that one was pretty good.
11/22/63 is really good and a different category.
You should definitely give Jellicoe Road a try! It's only one of my favourite books ever… 😉
I've been in much more of an adult reading mode lately and just picked up Claire Cook's Wallflower in Bloom which is utter fluff but it's been a fast read and held my attention.
YA wise, I'm liking Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone but it's been a slower read for me for some reason.
Anything by Peter Cameron — if you haven't read Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You you've missed one of the most distinctive YA narrative voices ever.
I didn't love Jellicoe Road like everyone else seems to, so I'd say Perfect Escape.
Hey, I've read all three of these! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Jellicoe Road and I found the King book extremely engaging. Perfect Escape was just average for me.