This month, we’ve got Lenore Appelhans, debut author of the forthcoming Level 2 (due out January 15) for our Twitterview victim. Because I read this book in an early incarnation, I don’t have a review for it. I did share my thoughts on this scifi dystopia with romance earlier, though, and you can read them here. Level 2 is the first book in a series.
Lenore’s been blogging at Presenting Lenore since 2007, and she’s on Twitter @Lenoreva.
In addition to sharing this Twitterview, I have a finished copy of Level 2 to give away to one winner at the end of the month. But without further ado . . . Presenting Lenore!:
Pitch Level 2 in 140 characters
Girl in afterlife relives her life memories and is recruited for a rebellion against the corrupt guardians of LEVEL 2.
What inspired Level 2?
Reading tons of dystopians, but wanting to explore a new twist on the genre. Plus my fascination with memory.
How would you classify Level 2 genre-wise?
1/3 dystopian afterlife thriller + 2/3 contemporary romance (sort of). It’s kind of a genre bender. Just how I like ‘em!
Did any television/movie/book help you in developing the world of Level 2?
How about song? The world is partly inspired by Tori Amos’ The Beekeeper.
What, if anything, should readers walk away with from Level 2?
I hope they walk away with their heads spinning and looking forward to further jaw-dropping revelations in the sequel.
If you had to give your book a “____ meets _____” pitch, what two (or three! or four!) books/films/shows would Level 2 be a meeting of?
THE MATRIX meets INCEPTION meets LOST meets DEFENDING YOUR LIFE – that’s how one editor we subbed to described it.
This is your first book. What’s been the best/most exciting part of the publishing process so far?
Every milestone = amazing. Seeing the cover. Holding the ARC in my hands for the first time. All the support from my book blogger buds.
What’s been the scariest or most stressful part of the process so far?
All the waiting. Publishing is such a slow process – and I thought I was a patient person!
You began your journey as a blogger. What made you pursue writing a full-blown book?
Having access to so many authors made me realize that publishing a book is an attainable dream if you work hard. So I did!
You’re a huge fan of dystopias, even running a regular dystopia series. What is your favorite dystopian novel?
I’ve read over 200 by now. So hard to choose a favorite, but I’ll go with a classic: 1984.
Who or what do you write for?
I write the type of novels I want to read, but I hope that many others enjoy it as well!
What was your most influential read as a teenager?
HEART OF DARKNESS by Joseph Conrad.
Who are your top three writing influences?
Hard! I adore authors who combine high concept with literary chops – like David Mitchell, Lauren Oliver + Laini Taylor.
Who do you believe is breaking ground in YA right now?
YA in general is so innovative and exciting right now. See: AS King, David Levithan’s EVERY DAY, Elizabeth Wein’s CODE NAME VERITY.
What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
You CAN do it, but only if you actually do it.
What’s your best writing advice to give?
READ. A LOT. Also, have a vision for your story before you start and follow that vision through to the end.
What is your writing routine?
Erratic. I can only draft from 3 pm onwards. I am not a morning person.
What gets you jazzed to write?
Spark sessions. Before I sit down, I brainstorm cool stuff that could go into the next scene.
Do you have a writing soundtrack? Care to share a bit?
I can’t listen to music while I write, but I do put together playlists for each book that I listen to before to get into the mood.
What’s next for you?
Edits for Level 3 and super secret project!
Favorite ice cream?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. (Un)fortunately, it’s hard to find in Germany.
Your deepest, darkest secret?
Repressed. But I’ll have to face it eventually. Latest in Level 2. Or Level 3. 😉
Want a chance to win a copy of Lenore’s book? Fill out the form below. Because I’ll be sending this copy myself, I’m limiting it to US and Canada residents only.
Yay for genre-bending! I wasn't quite sure about this book at first, but I'm definitely sold after "Matrix meets Inception meets Lost meets Defending Your Life." 🙂 Sounds like my kind of book! And I completely agree on Code Name Verity. LOVED that book! Great interview!
I was starting to get burned out on the sameness of dystopia lately. Can't wait to read a different take from someone who knows!
Dystopian and Romance? Sounds like this book was made for me.