I’m moving soon, so I’ve been frantically trying to read all of the books I have checked out from various libraries, books I’ve picked up at conferences, and books I’ve borrowed from friends and acquaintances. What this means is that I have started many books but not finished any of them. At present count I’m reading twelve books. Because I haven’t actually finished any, I can’t post a full-fledged review, but I decided it would be worthwhile to highlight some of the more interesting and noteworthy titles. So, without further ado, what I’m reading now in 140 characters or less.
After her boyfriend is killed, pathological liar Micah says from now on, she’ll tell only the truth. Interesting psychological YA with a twist.
Carolyn Jessop’s story about her life in the FLDS, her subsequent escape, and what happened afterward. Simplistic writing, compelling story.
The Secret Life of Prince Charming, by Deb Caletti
Quinn discovers her womanizing father steals more from the women in his life than their hearts. Sometimes slow YA, but has real insight.
Teenage boy wakes up Sleeping Beauty in modern times. Hilarity and confusion ensue. There are better retellings, but this is fluffy and fun.
The Knife of Never Letting Go, by Patrick Ness
A germ kills off all females and causes men’s thoughts to be broadcast. One day, Todd discovers a quiet in the Noise. Fascinating YA dystopia.
"Knife of Never Letting Go" has a sequal coming out next month, too! I think it's called "The Ask and Answer." More to look forward to (KoNLG is ALWAYS checked out from work so I haven't read it yet).
The Ask and the Answer is precisely what it's called, you're right! I'm really excited about it – Sept. 8. And the third book in the trilogy is due out in the US in fall of 2010. Not too long. I'm even more excited about The Ask than I am about Catching Fire.
Also, Patrick Ness has a short story prequel to The Knife of Never Letting Go, located here: http://www.booktrust.org.uk/show/feature/Home/New-World-intro
Very cool!
I can't wait to read The Knife of Never Letting Go. Plus, I have the sequel waiting for me at home, so I need to read the first one first.
This is a neat-o book review idea. The last book sounds really interesting.
I'm curious about the sleeping beauty one, though. I've always disliked that plotline, as the "heroine," (if she can be called that) does nothing and then gets rescued. Is this book similar?