On this last day of 2010, we wanted to take the time to thank you. Without the support and encouragement of readers, authors, publishers, and other bloggers, we wouldn’t be energized enough to keep doing what we’re doing here.
Throughout the last year, we’ve made some great friendships and connections with other book lovers, and we couldn’t be more excited to be part of a supportive, friendly, and thoughtful community. We look forward to 2011 bringing more great reading, fun conversation, and chances to continue meeting new people.
Thank you!
Thank you to the publishers for sending us new titles to read and review. We appreciate the time and effort it takes to do this, and we do our best to read everything we can.
Thank you to the publicity groups that have used OUR comments on national marketing campaigns (yes, you did read right — we have a quote featured in a full color advertisement in this month’s School Library Journal!).
Thank you to the authors who not only produce work for us to enjoy but who also interact with and stand behind us and what we do here. Your belief in what we do is more valuable than we can explain. Some of you have become more than just those who produce work for us to judge: you’ve become our friends (and not only understand but appreciate that that fact doesn’t change how we’ll review your work). Thank you!
Thank you to the bloggers who lend us an ear when we are about ready to throw in the towel. Thanks for collaborating on projects with us and for giving us things to think about and get heated about.
A special thank you to Abby (the) Librarian for helping launch AudioSynced, and thank you to the other bloggers who have raised the profile of audiobooks on the book blogosphere.
And thank you to our readers, those who we hear from regularly and those who stop by more casually. Thanks for filling our inboxes with excitement each and every day and thank you for linking to us and sharing our thoughts with others. Thank you for taking our reviews seriously and understanding we do things with our own style and purpose.
We look forward to 2011 and hope you do too!
Thank *you* ladies! I'm so glad to have found a safe and honest place where I can read thoughtful reviews and interact with YA lit lovers on various hot topics. I hope 2011 is just as wonderful for you all as it was in 2010.
Thank you for your always insightful and thought-provoking content!