Do you use ARCs, either as a librarian, teacher, blogger, or for any other reason? Liz Burns, Kristi Chadwick, and myself would love you input in our short survey on how you use them, what you do with them when you’re finished, and how you acquire them.
The responses are all anonymous, so please feel free to be as honest as possible. There is a space for you to share your name and position if you wish to (options!). We’re hoping to shed insight into ARC use for our ALA presentation in June, and for those who can’t join the conversation in person, we’ll publish the results and outcomes of the conversation in early July.
Thank you in advance, and please feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be able to help us out.
We’ve closed the survey and removed it. Thanks to everyone who responded — we should have full results for you in early July.
Ohh! What a great idea to take an anonymous survey. I hope I can come hear you present the results in person. Do you already know your time slot at ALA?
10:30 on Saturday in the convention center!
Funny to see a conversation about ARCs. Just this week, I finally figured out what to do with my print ARCs. I cut them up and let my students do blackout poetry. It seemed better than recycling, more fair to the writer than selling and let each kid read one page of a book he or she might go on to read in full. There are samples on my blog if anyone's interested.
Can't wait to see the results of your survey. Best of luck with your presentation.
Great idea! And I like that you look into what people are doing with ARCs after the fact, which is a touchy subject for many people.
Also, Christine, love your idea!
Can't wait to see the results 🙂