A quick post to share a few links to stories that wrap up and are the direct result of the amazing outpouring of donations to get Some Girls Are into the hands of teens in Charleston.
First, I wrote about the process and final send out results at Book Riot. This post hit reddit, and then later on, it hit the front page of reddit. That sort of readership — and the result was overwhelmingly positive — made me even prouder of what we were able to make happen. Along with getting books to teens, we raised the issue of censorship with a huge audience that may otherwise never understood how it works. Here’s the piece.
Meanwhile, down in Charleston, the local news channels have been running with the story. ABC 4 interviewed Andria about the donation drive, and that helped get the word out to the community to come out and pick up books. According to Andria, the library nearest to West Ashley is already asking for more copies since they’ve been being picked up quickly.
CBS 5 in Charleston also interviewed Andria, and this particular video is more than worth the watch. One of the teens who read the book talks about it and how much it mattered to her. A mother, too, is interviewed about the book and both highlight why I wanted to help with this initiative. Watch it here and prepare to get misty-eyed like me.
This afternoon, a reporter from the Charleston Post and Courier gave me a call, and we talked about book challenges, my experiences working with teens, and I rambled at great length about intellectual freedom and teenagers. Here’s the piece.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. The impact is not small, and I couldn’t be prouder than seeing and hearing about the teens who are picking up the book and opening up conversations, among themselves and with adults in their lives.
You’ve done an amazing thing. Truly.