Don’t forget! Audiosynced is hosted on November 1 here at STACKED. We’ll have our audiobook review posted this week, and if you’ve posted something audiobook related in the last month, share your link with us here or on the round up November 1.
Congrats to our winners of this month’s book giveaways, too! Joanna, random number 4, was our winner of Where the Truth Lies and Erin, random number 15, was our winner of Hush. Congrats to our winners, and keep your eyes peeled for another fun giveaway coming up in the next couple of weeks (hint: I have 2 hard cover books signed by an author and it will be international).
Greetings! I finally caught up on the audio backlist: October's six postings go back through September 28 … since I can't figure out how to tell Blogspot to change the posting date to the ACTUAL DATE of posting … instead of the date you started your post.
Happy listening!