Have you been thinking about coming down to Austin for Kid Lit Con but haven’t felt ready to commit? Now we have all of the details for this excellent, intimate, and more than worthwhile conference set — and we extended the registration deadline until November 1.
The sessions have all been picked out and slotted, and you can check them all out right here. We’ve also got plans set for Friday’s pre-con to be held at the University of Texas’s iSchool.
Kimberly and I are really excited to share she and I will be presenting together — for the first time ever! — and we’re going to talk about critical reviews and why they matter. We’ll talk a little bit about our process in writing them and why we find them to be so valuable.
I love Kid Lit Con and I love Austin (the iSchool is where Kimberly and I met and where this whole blog started) and I’m excited to connect with old friends and meet new ones.
UGH. I want to go to this soooooo badly…and I'm even an ATX local! Too many school/family commitments for that weekend, though. Hope y'all have a great time!