I asked Kimberly what we should do to celebrate blogging for five years, and besides a big giveaway, we thought it could be fun to interview each other. We’ve known each other now for six years, and through reading and blogging, we’ve gotten to know one another even better.
But there are things that we don’t talk about much when it comes to our blogging processes, our reading styles, and more. So we asked each other ten different questions. Today I’m talking with Kimberly and tomorrow, Kim will be talking with me!
What’s your favorite piece you’ve written and why?
How do you think blogging has changed since we started STACKED on 2009?
Has there been a reading experience that’s surprised you in the last five years? If so, what and why?
What keeps blogging fun and exciting for you?
What piece of advice would you share with anyone who wants to get into blogging?
Is there something you’d love to find in a book that you haven’t found yet? A topic? A theme? A genre blend?
I really want to read something that astonishes me with its creativity. This could take any number of forms. It could be a book that plays with gender roles in unexpected ways. It could be a sci fi story that features some really odd, totally inhuman aliens. It could be a fantasy story that creates a wholly new culture not copied from one of Earth’s cultures – but it’s got to be believable (and not full of white people!). I like my tried and true stuff, but I’m also hungry for new ideas. I think there’s still so much unexplored territory in SFF and I want authors to push hard at the boundaries.
What would be the perfect Kimberly book? What book that you’ve read might come closest to being that?
Has blogging changed you?
Very nice!
Amen to the "third person past tense" answer. NO MORE PRESENT TENSE BOOKS.