It’s OK to give up on books that aren’t a good fit for you.
I know this intellectually, but in practice, it can be more difficult. I’ll often set a book down for a few days, thinking I’ll pick it up again soon. Then days turn into months, and before I know it, a book has been sitting on my “currently reading” shelf for over a year.
I’m better at giving up on books now than I used to be. I have a better idea of what I like, and if I really want to know how a story turns out but don’t particularly care for how the author is writing it, I can head to the Internet for answers. (I’m imagining some of you gasping at this, but really, this is one of the best uses for Goodreads.)
Here are a few books that I’ve given up on recently and why. Of course, I know people who have loved these, but they weren’t good fits for me.
After the Snow by S. D. Crockett
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Great post. I finished "Gone Girl," but it was a bit of letdown because it was so overhyped. But the reason she stopped reading "Gone Girl" is the same reason I stopped watching "Mad Men." I just didn't like the characters. It was nice to see someone article that view.
The more I hear about Gone Girl, the happier I am that I gave up on it.
I had to give up on The Twelve, even though I really enjoyed The Passage. I'm so disappointed…but I really enjoyed (well, in a disturbing sort of way) Gone Girl and LOVED Throne of Glass. I have read three of the four prequel novellas and enjoyed them too. (Very unusually for me to read novellas.) It's OK, though. I wholeheartedly agree that you should not feel obligated to finish a book. Too many other great choices out there!