Sara’s series got me thinking about our own series posts at STACKED. I’ve been asked to do another contemporary week by more than one person, and I’d love to work something out again this fall to make that happen. But I’d love some input, if you’re willing to give it — so here is a short, four-question survey of what you’d like to see in a contemporary YA week series this fall. If you could help out that would be great, even if it’s spreading the word to others who might be interested. (And to answer a question about my questions, I do mean 2014 and not 2013. I’d like to do a preview into the new year sort of post like I did for last year’s contemp week — that’s not a typo).
And as a teaser, I’ll say that Kimberly and I do have 2 other features planned for the fall — our usual spotlight on horror in October, as well as a week-long series dedicated to reader’s advisory which includes some really excellent guest posters (who I am so excited to hear from).
thepagesage says
Thank you again for doing the interview! 🙂 Contemporary week sounds great!
Sara at The Page Sage