Welcome again to In My Mailbox, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. I’m also going to leave you with a list of books still needing to be nominated for this year’s Cybils award consideration (in the YA Fiction category) in hopes you get a vote in before the October 15 deadline.
For Review:
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins (Hyperion Disney, March 2011): There’s no cover yet, so I didn’t want to show you a blank gray one. This is the sequel to Hex Hall and will be my huge treat after Cybils.
From the Library:
Take a deep breath — this is a long list, thanks to the Cybils!
When I was Joe by Karen David: Looks like an edgy title about lies and deceit. I hadn’t heard of it before I saw it come into work a few weeks ago.
A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley: An Australian title that involves music, I believe. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while.
The Freak Observer by Blythe Woolston: I read this one this week, and there will be a review up soon!
Losing Faith by Denise Jaden: A 2010 debut title about secrets and the death of a sister. It sounds a little bit like a few other books I’ve read (the dead sibling part) and the mystery part reminds me of a Ellen Hopkins’s Identical.
Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots by Abby McDonald: I liked McDonald’s first title, Sophomore Switch, and I am looking forward to the environmentally-vested title.
Sorta Like a Rock Star by Matthew Quick: Jackie tells me this one is a treat, so I’m excited!
The Kid Table by Andrea Seigel: This is another 2010 debut, and its focus is on family. It’s humorous and not at the same time. I read it this past week.
Nothing by Janne Teller: This European translation is an existential title with a lot of Lord of the Flies elements. It depressed the heck out of me.
So Over My Head by Jenny B. Jones: Jones’s series was super popular at my former library. I’m diving into this one without having read the first two, in fairness to the idea that books need to be judged in their individual merit, but I’m excited. It looks fun and squeaky clean.
Change of Heart by Shari Maurer: This sounds a lot like Loretta Ellsworth’s In a Heartbeat.
A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler: Of madness and mental illness, along with an artist to spice it up.
Beautiful by Cindy Martinuson-Coloma: Another author who was wildly popular at my former library. She writes Christian fiction, but it’s less over-the-head than some of Melody Carlson.
Alea wanted someone to do some of the crafts in this book with her, and I jumped at the chance! Lots of cute and fun Halloween crafts here.
And as promised, here’s an updated “to be nominated for Cybils consideration in the YA Fiction category” list. You only have till the 15th to go here and do it! All you need is the 13-digit ISBN, which I’ve conveniently linked to for you.
All of the books look awesome! Some of them are on my wishlist too.
In My Mailbox is an useful way of discovering new blogs and I am glad I found this one.
In My Mailbox
fantastic books this week! what a variety of titles! And Demonglass! How exciting! I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading!
Do the library ladies know your name? Cuz Im in mine so often they know mine LOL. Great titles! Have fun reading them! My IMM is here: http://nikkibrandyberry.wordpress.com/
@Nikkibrandyberry haha. I *AM* the librarian. It's less embarrassing that way.
Demonglass! I'd have to drop whatever I was doing (driving, breathing) and read that ASAP! Enjoy!
I heard about "A blue so dark" alot..cant wait to read it…here is my IMM: http://basma-aal.blogspot.com/2010/10/in-my-mailbox-7.html
awesome books! I am looking forward to many of them too!
You have a lot of books this week that I'd love to read they look so interesting. Hope you have a great week as you begin to read them!
Come by and see my experimental IMMB
Irresistible assortment of books! Happy Reading your awesome books, =)
I can't believe no one has nominated Robin Benway's title yet. While it wasn't my fave compared with Audrey, Wait, it was still a pleasing book.
I am so super excited for Demonglass! Congrats on getting a copy 🙂 And so many great books from the library! I really need to check out my local library. Anyway, have a great week!
Here's what I got in my mailbox this week 🙂
Oh, you've got some great reads this week! Enjoy them!
Brittany @ Nice Girls Read Books
The Kid Table looks interesting, and I liked Boys, Bears. Looks like you have some fun reading agead of you.
Hello….jealous! Demonglass is a great snag!
I picked up Kid Table at BEA but haven't had the chance to get to it yet. I'm hopeful to do so soon. 🙂