Since October is horror month and we like to get at least a post a week up featuring something horror-related, I wanted to share a few horror-related things I’ve read about lately that didn’t make it into the wrap-up of my SLJ piece but that I think would be of interest.
Did you know that Scholastic used to have a horror imprint called Point Horror? It started out back in 1991 and it was where some of the better-known scary books for teens were published back in the day, including books by R. L. Stine, Caroline B. Cooney, and Christophe Pike. When the books were doing well, they were doing well — Pike and Stine in particular published a ton of books through Point Horror. I’m pretty sure I read a boat load of them when I was a teen, which makes sense since the imprint itself was aimed at teen girls like me.
The imprint died out between 2004 and 2005.
But Scholastic is rebooting their Point Horror series. To me it seems like it’s aimed at exactly the same readership it was back in the 90s and early 00s, and there are three new titles out or coming out shortly to put on your radar. All of them are paperback originals and deal in some capacity with “the internet world.”
All descriptions come from WorldCat.
Defriended by Ruth Baron: A friend request from beyond the grave … Jason has met the perfect girl. OK, so maybe he hasn’t actually MET Lacey yet, but they talk online all the time. Yet despite spending most nights chatting, Lacey refuses to meet up in person. Suspicious, Jason starts googling, and his cyberstalking leads to a shocking discovery: According to multiple newspapers, Lacey died a year earlier. Soon, Jason finds himself enmeshed in a disturbing mystery. Has he found a way to iChat with the dead? Or is someone playing a dangerous trick? Either way, Jason has to discover the truth before it’s too late. You can’t put up away messages from beyond the grave.
I have seen both covers as being available, but I think the one on the right is the actual cover, since it fits the style of the others in this relaunch. I don’t know about anyone else, but the one on the left is really speaking to me — it’s perfectly teen scream. But I also really love the tag line for the cover on the right. Defriended is available now.
The red eyes are creepy, and even though it’s a pretty non-memorable cover otherwise, I think the blood-colored eyes make it stand out. There is probably also little question this is a scary book. Identity Theft is available now.
Oh man, I read so many Point Horror books . . . I do love those campy covers. The campy covers + the taglines on the right would be perfect.