This isn’t a double take, but it is the same couple and outfits, outside. When I saw the first cover, I immediately thought of the second and realized they were from the same photo session and photo set:
The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti, paperback edition, March 2010.
Followed with getting a little more up close and personal with this one:
For Keeps by Natalie Friend, to be published April 6, 2010.
I quite like both of them, as the green really does make them stand out. I like the way the images portray something different on both but give the readers enough sense to know what the book is about (as much as people scoff the idea, I think covers can be one of the best tools for determining content, genre, and tone of a book).
I pulled out my ARC, though, and guess what the cover for For Keeps was? I guess they caught the double take before and chose a different cover for the final book.
Do you prefer one to the other? I think the paperback makeover for Caletti’s title is an improvement from the hard cover, which also was a double take feature.
I think I prefer the Secret Life of Prince Charming. The blurriness of the faces in the other one sort of bothers me. It's cute that it's from the same photo session, I think. 🙂
I like the ARC copy much better, but I understand why they changed it after "The Secret Life of Prince Charming" was also recovered. It is amazing how many books wind up sharing covers/models!