Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in America celebrating today, and happy Thursday to international readers. I’m looking forward to the traditional spinach lasagna fare we have every year (because I loathe turkey).
Rather than write a lengthy post today, I thought I’d instead round up the posts I’ve written elsewhere in the last couple of weeks.
I’ve got two posts over at YALSA’s The Hub blog. The first is my regular feature on debut novels out this month. It’s a much slower month than the last couple, making reading all of them fairly manageable, if that’s something you’re challenging yourself to do.
My second post over there this month is something different. I thought it would be neat to interview a handful of authors who WERE debut novelists last year but have since released their second novels. I got to talk with Carrie Harris, Elana Johnson, Alissa Grosso, and Julia Karr about what it’s like to now be a more seasoned author.
Last month, I was asked by Jessica Olin, creator, writer, and curator of content over at one of my favorite librarianship blogs, Letters to a Young Librarian, if I’d like to contribute. I jumped at the opportunity to do so. And after thinking long and hard about what I could possibly have to say on the topic of lessons I wish I’d known as a young librarian (and seriously, when did I become a seasoned librarian?), I decided to talk about something that makes me nervous. That is that sometimes, you’re going to piss people off. Especially if you’re passionate about something.
Although the link’s not live and I plan on blogging about it when it does go live, I also was approached by Nicole at WORD for Teens about contributing to her fabulous Characterize series. Go check out the other posts in the series, written by bloggers and a variety of authors. Mine will go live later this weekend, and it’s on a topic that I think might be fairly surprising for anyone who knows my thoughts on boys and reading, as well as romance.