You guys, this whole not being able to talk about the books I’m reading thing (due to the Cybils) is killing me. And actually, I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve reviewed every recent read that is a non-Cybils book (a first). But while I was in the book store the other day, I did notice another title that bore enough similarities to a Cybils read that it made me a do a double-take.
Archon: The Books of Raziel by Sabrina Benoulis is a fairly new release. It’s an adult supernatural debut about angels and witches and a young woman caught up in a prophecy. Based on reviews, it seems to have some crossover YA appeal, but I haven’t read it so can’t tell you for sure. The main reason my eye was drawn to it is because it reminded me very strongly of…
…Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake, Cybils nominee. The covers aren’t exactly the same, but they’re similar: a girl viewed from the back, her hair strangely floating off to one side, standing in front of an ominous-looking building. The two don’t seem to have a whole lot in common other than the fact that they’re both SFF. I do think the cover for Anna Dressed in Blood is a good match for its contents.
Ha! I'm sort of pleased we're relieved from reviewing whilst judging second round cybils (I'm on the easy reader / early chapter book panel) – we're having quite a debate about winners, so it would be a bit tricksy to post my own review knowing that other disagree so much!
Those are incredibly similar covers. Same color scheme even.