When you participate as a Round 1 panelist for the Cybils, you read a lot of books in a very short period of time. Last year was my first year as a Round 1 panelist, and as a result of my frantic reading, I saw a lot of little connections between books in my category that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. This year, I’m tracking them! I’ve turned those connections into what I’m calling a Cybils spiderweb, represented below. Interestingly, most of the connections spring from the book I’m currently reading, The Girl at Midnight, so I’ve used that as the center of my web. I have no doubt the spiderweb will grow as the awards season progresses. Click on the image to enlarge.
One of the thing I really love about this is how it shows how differently you and I think and yet how similarly we think, too — when I was doing CYBILS, I made bingo cards that would have squares corresponding to commonalities among books. You went the web way, spreading ’em out; I went the box way, pulling them inward. I love this!
Awesome! I’m so glad you’re doing this. every year I see these kind of connections between books, and I keep wanting to post something, but just never get around to it.
FYI, I don’t have Caps Lock on, so I’m not sure why this is coming out in all caps. Sorry!
This is so great. I love seeing connections like this. Thanks for sharing!