A little wordplay is always fun, and it’s especially fun when it’s worked into the cover of a book. I love how the covers I’ve highlighted below use the crossout technique to add another layer of meaning to the titles. Is the true title the one that includes or does not include the crossed out words? It’s not the same in each example, though context does helpfully give us the answer quickly. Interestingly, in The Bully Book, this technique is only used on the paperback; the original hardcover included the word Bully crossout-free. Disclaimer is the opposite: the publisher ditched the crossout technique for the paperback.
Are you a fan of this style of cover? What other books use this technique to good effect?
“The Art of French Kissing” by Brianna Shrum and “Her Pretty Face” by Robyn Harding are two more that showed up nearly side-by-side in Edelweiss this week for me.