These aren’t exact replicas of one another, but they’re so close, they could be. I like the images on both covers, as I think they stand out from the typical girl-on-the-cover look.
I’m Not Her by Janet Gurtler published May 1 by Sourcebooks. I love the title placement and font on this one. The only thing I can say about this, really, is that it looks younger than the intended audience, I think. This is a teen book, but it reads more middle grade to me, as the girl modeling has a much younger look to her — even though you can’t see her, you can tell she’s less mature than a teen girl.
Second Hand Heart by Catherine Ryan Hyde published by BlackSwan (a London publisher) in 2010. I love the yellow title font against the green grass, and for some reason, I love how the flower petals look on this cover, as opposed to the Gurtler cover. For some reason, this girl reads older to me than the other cover model does, as well. Perhaps it’s the perspective, as we don’t see a shirt, which is one of the elements that made the first cover look younger.
Does one stand out to you more? I think they’re both pretty good.
I like them both but I personally like the lay out of I'm Not Her better. I can't pinpoint why. Maybe it's the bubble around the title or some other tiny detail?