I’m excited to share the podcast I did with Steve Thomas at Circulating Ideas, which is up now for you to enjoy. We talk about my book, about contemporary realistic fiction, about diversity, and about what makes for good book talking. You can hear it here.
Until the book is up at Amazon/B&N (and I noted yesterday, for people who buy through library vendors like Baker & Taylor and Ingram, you can preorder it now), I won’t talk much more about it. But because I have been talking around the book and have shared the cover, I thought maybe it would be worthwhile to put together a small excerpt from the book to show what it looks like inside.
This excerpt is from the unedited proof, so there may be some minor errors in it. I’ve pulled a passage from Part 1, a section of Part 2, and a section of Part 3, to give a taste of what the entire thing looks like.
If you can’t read the embedded file, you can access it here.
Oh, Kelly, you must be over the MOON right now. Congratulations again!