Because I loved putting together last year’s contemporary YA week, I wanted to do it again this year in conjunction with the YA Lit Symposium presentation on contemporary YA fiction. This year’s contemporary week at STACKED is going to look a little bit different and a little bit the same from last year.
Contemporary YA week will kick off tomorrow with a treat from the Symposium presentation that I’ve been working on for what feels like months, as well as information from the presentation itself. Then Monday through Friday, I have two posts set up for each day: a guest post in the morning from a contemporary author talking on a specific topic, and then in the afternoon, a book list that highlights the topics discussed in the guest post.
I picked topics that highlight the range of contemporary YA, and I sought out authors who I knew could talk about them in thought-provoking ways. Reading these posts separately was exciting, but I found when I read them all at once, there were interesting topics and themes that emerged. They’ll be talking about things ranging from sports to sex and everything in between.
Hopefully this week will bring the spotlight back to contemporary YA again, and it’ll put new titles on your radar. Book lists will cover published and soon-to-be published titles.