Did you know there was a Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives in Star Wars? I had no clue, but this week, one of my dearest friends sent me a package with a lengthy note explaining that the figurine he sent me was a librarian. It was a fan choice for production. I love this story, and I love the idea of a librarian in Star Wars (even though reports are she was a pretty terrible librarian). If you want one of your own, you can order them here.
With that, how about the biweekly round up of interesting reads?
- So there’s a new book discovery website, Bookish. I haven’t had a chance to check it out, partially due to time, but mostly due to the fact I’m tired of book discovery websites not developed by librarians. I won’t elaborate a whole lot more except to say that it’s been said before that digital book discovery tools already suck, and librarians are specially trained to do reader’s advisory well. But, I did want to share that Bookish apparently has some interesting terms of service, as pointed out here.
- Hey did you know that chick lit can harm body image? Especially when researchers pull sentences out of context and rewrite them so actually they’re not even part of the book anymore. But it’s easier to instead blame books and an entire genre for the problematic research study methods.
- I spend a lot of time thinking about the notion of mirrors and windows in fiction, and so this post over at Lee & Lo’s blog about that very topic piqued my interest.
- On the lighter side, here are 19 absurd zombie books you should read. But really, Buzzfeed, couldn’t you do better with your image selection here?
- I love Carlie Webber’s post about how Sookie Stackhouse is one of her favorite heroines. Her imperfections and her acceptance of those imperfections make her relatable to those of us who will never be perfect ourselves (spoiler: that’s all of us).
- Ever since learning that Beyonce hired a personal librarian to take care of her personal effects — including her thousands upon thousands of intimate videos — I cannot stop reading about her NOR about this archive she’s created. This article at GQ is totally fascinating and talks a lot about her archive and what’s contained within it.
- Need to expand your reading list? Locus magazine online put together their recommended reading list of science fiction and fantasy titles published in 2012. Get cracking.
- The interesting and scary reality of how much money genre fiction writers make over at MediaBistro is worth reading.
- Fifteen movies featuring book stores. I haven’t hit the Google yet, but is there a similar post somewhere on movies featuring libraries? I can think of a few off the top of my head but I’d love to see a list if anyone has one!
- From the “why didn’t I think of this files” comes the Reviewer Card. You know. You flash it at restaurants so that you get preferential treatment when it comes to service and food. That way you review the meal better. Wouldn’t something like this be awesome for book reviewers, too? You know. Flash it at the bookstore or the author event? Wait. You mean…all you have to do to earn your card is pay someone for it? You can all get in line when I start the book Reviewer Card. I’ll only charge $75 for it. I will even put a picture of your favorite book on the back if you’d like.
- We’re ruining our teens with cancer fiction. Because cancer happens to so few of them, we’re just emotionally traumatizing them with these books. [Insert sigh here].
- Why you never truly leave high school. This is lengthy — probably a two or three cups of tea kind of read — but it’s interesting.
- Rounding out this edition of links of note (which is short!), check out these great pieces of art based on young adult books. Also check out the Babysitter’s Club and their fashion blogger counterparts.