Welcome to the third annual contemporary YA fiction week here at STACKED. I am so, so excited to get this week kicked off because there is so much great stuff to share.
Like in years past, I have a nice array of guest posts from contemporary YA authors. We’re going to travel across the globe to talk about Australian contemporary YA, we’ll talk about mental illness and contemporary YA, humor in contemporary YA, and much, much more. In fact, I have 7 guest posts lined up, along with a host of book lists.
After seeing what people were interested in reading about earlier this year, I noticed some of the topics that were mentioned were topics that have been covered here before — either during a prior contemporary week or elsewhere. I thought that in addition to new posts, I’d rerun some older content, as well, in order to give a huge range of voices and insights into contemporary YA.
So in short, contemporary YA week will be a little longer than one week this year. It’ll be closer to a week and a half long, with two posts a day. I promise a lot of worthwhile reading, thought-provoking guest posts, and, I hope, useful book lists of titles within a given topic and titles to get on your radar for the coming year.
And perhaps — just perhaps — I’ll tell you a little bit more about my book about contemporary YA sometime at the end of this series.
Contemporary YA fiction week will start tomorrow with a guest post about mental illness as it’s depicted in YA, with a sharp take on the idea of “the problem novel.”