I’m not sure when I became a procrastinator about planning for conferences, but I have and I own that. It dawned on me that Book Expo America is this coming week. I’ve been working on my schedule and think I’ve figured out a few of my must-see, must-do things.
First and foremost: BEA Blogger Con on Wednesday. I’ll be there most of the event, since a number of panels interest me.
If you’re going, I sure hope you stop and listen in on the panel I am a part of called “Book Blogging and the Big Niches.” You can see who else is on my panel and learn a little more about what our topic of discussion is here. (Also: note the out of date headshot). If you do attend, stop by before or after the panel and say hi.
It’s my goal to make it to the Teen Author Carnival on Wednesday, too.
Thursday, I plan on checking out the YA editor’s buzz panel in the morning, followed by another panel on book reviews and ethics. I’m thinking I’ll wander the floor a little at opening, but my priority is really attending a few interesting sessions since I haven’t ever done that a BEA. I’ve always just wandered the exhibits.
Then on Friday I have a fancy date with Leila if she’s not tired of me after spending Wednesday with me, and I want to hit up two panel sessions on tumblarians and one on realistic fiction.
Friday night is an event with the 2013 debut authors that anyone who wants to come to is welcome to attend — we’ll be having a casual meetup at The Library Hotel, in their Bookmarks Bar. The event starts at 7, and it’s super laid back. Just show up!
I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones, so feel free to say hi if you see me. And if there’s something going on I should know about, let me know.
Even though I'm not going to BEA, it makes me excited to read everyone's posts about getting prepared. Sounds like getting to check out sessions for yourself will be a nice change of pace!