Welcome to another edition of Audiosynced, co-hosted by STACKED and Abby over at Abby the Librarian. This is a monthly round-up of audiobook news, reviews, and interesting posts throughout the blogosphere and more. If you’ve written anything about audiobooks in the (short) month of November and we left you out of the roundup, leave a link in the comments. If you didn’t get to write anything in February but plan to in March, the round-up will be hosted by Abby next month, so send her your goods to be included!
- Lee over at Reading with my ears offers reviews of Cornelia Funke’s Ghost Knight, Jacqueline Woodson’s Beneath a Meth Moon and M. T. Anderson’s Feed (which is one of my all-time favorite audiobooks).
- Beth over at A Foodie Bibliophile in Wanderlust has a review of Walter Dean Myers’s Riot.
- Audiobook enthusiasts: you are reading The Gilded Earlobe, right? This is a fantastic audiobook blog, which includes not just reviews, but other audiobook-related posts, including interviews with narrators and more.
- Catie reviews Flannery O’Connor’s classic A Good Man is Hard to Find.
- Sarah Thompson has a great post asking how people listen to audiobooks. Where do you find the time to sneak in audiobooks? Read her post and the comments. Great suggestions for those trying to find the time and place to dive in.
- Speaking of “best ofs,” have you checked out the Amazing Audiobooks list for 2013 from YALSA? If you’re looking for a great listen, you can’t do better than trying one of these.
- Don’t forget about RUSA’s Listen Lists, either. Not only do you get to know about the “best of” titles from the last year, but the read alikes here are excellent. Talk about a great reader’s advisory tool!
- Here’s another audiobook blog for you to know, and I discovered it through a post I’m kind of in love with: 8 audiobook narrators you’d slap your friend for not knowing.
- Janssen talks about her love affair with audiobooks.
- Remedia Publications offers up links relating to audiobooks and the classroom.
- Merrick Library gives suggests through Pinterest for audiobooks that won’t put listeners to sleep.
- Andye the Reading Teen has a host of excellent teen audiobooks.
- Solon Library shares where listeners can locate audiobooks.
- The Manhattan Public Library (Kansas) showcases awesome audiobooks.
- Silk Sound Books has a ton of suggestions for what to do while listening to audiobooks.
Hey, thanks so much for the link to my article!! It is most appreciated and we will definitely be cruising around the site today, looking forward to it! 😀
I also thought I'd point out to you lovely ladies the Armchair Audies are taking place again this year! Which means the next few months should see tons of great audio reviews around the blogosphere. And yes, The Guilded Earlobe is taking on a ridiculous amount of categories. =)
Thanks Kelly for the mention!
And thanks Heidi. The armchair Audies will be a big part of my blogging and listening over the next three months. It's become my favorite blog event, and anyone is invited to participate. Even if you only want to listen to one title nominated and post a review. We're now have a Facebook page, where you can come and talk about The Audies and audiobook in general.
I posted a few mini reviews of audiobooks: The Bronze Bow and The Blue Sword. Here's the link: http://librariansbookreviews.blogspot.com/2013/02/mini-reviews-10.html
Love these round ups – I've got to check out the 8 narrators post 🙂