I think I’ve talked about how I wanted to grow up to be a journalist. Even had a job offer when I was a senior in college to do just that. But for many reasons, I didn’t pursue it. I went into librarianship instead.
These things aren’t actually separate in and of themselves. I got into writing for the newspaper in high school and then in college by talking about books. I used to review books in both high school and in college. I’ve reread some of what I’ve written about in the past — Truman Capote, Haruki Murakami, even a really cool piece about ghost writers is still hanging around somewhere — and it makes sense how I got into blogging and into librarianship.
One of my little dreams has been to write about books for a newspaper again, even if only once.
That dream came true a couple weeks ago. The Wisconsin State Journal does a weekly column called “Just Read It,” where they have people around the state involved in the book world — as authors, as advocates, as librarians — talk about three books within their field. I got to write for it!
I decided to go for writing about my three favorite books of 2012 that weren’t landing on all of the “best of YA” lists in every other publication out there.
The column is in print editions of today’s Sunday Journal in the “Sunday Best” section. It’s above the fold. It includes images of the books. And my headshot!
You should be able to read it if you click on the image. If not, this will run in the digital version of the paper and when it goes live, I’ll link it here.
Seriously though. It’s such a little thing but it is so neat. I know how much people still read the paper and then clip these things and bring them into the library. So to think maybe someone reads a book I recommended somewhere in the great state of Wisconsin is neat.
Maybe someday that bigger dream of writing for a print publication more than once will come true.
Go you!!!
Wow, congrats on being able to write for this column! I hope many people pick up these books 🙂
Incidentally, I have both The List and This is not a Test on Mt. TBR and Something Like Normal is on my wishlist. Now I fell like taking the books I already own for my upcoming week's reads. And it's because of you 😉
That's so cool, Kelly! Congratulations! Great book choices, by the way 🙂
Yay! Congrats!
That is not a silly dream at all! Congrats!
Did you ever decide on being an ALAN reviewer?
YES! I did 🙂
Way to go, Kelly! Congratulations.
Congrats, Kelly!
Hurrah! Congratulations! That is awesome. I like your newspaper photo, too.
That's awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you, Kelly!
I live in Wisconsin and get the Wisconsin State Journal! I actually didn't look at Sunday's paper, but I will definitely have to now! I always try to read the Sunday Best section and read the book recs and all. Very cool!
Congratulations! It's not a silly dream at all!