I’ve crossed the 48 hour marker of MotherReader’s 48 Hour Book Challenge! I’d have held out on posting this until the very end of the day today, at the moment when I finish the last book I want to finish this weekend, but I’m playing fair.
This was so much fun, and I will definitely be participating again. I got through far more reading than I planned to and far less reviewing than I planned to. To be fair, I did do something I never do, which is write extensive notes about the books I was reading in order to write the reviews. It kind of looks like this:
If I didn’t write that all down, I’d have forgotten by the time I actually did review them.
Anyhow. I am fairly impressed with how much I got accomplished reading and blogging wise this weekend. I knocked out a few posts for next week’s contemporary week, and I had the chance to network with other participants and push books on them. Ahem.
Onto the stats.
Total Time Reading: 26 hours
Total Time Blogging/Social Networking: 4 hours
Total Time on the 48 Hour Book Challenge: 30 hours
Books read: 11
To be fair, I think I only read 9 complete books, as two of the books I read I had finished 1/2 of prior to beginning. But even if you combine those two, I read 10 books. The books I read included:
Sarah Darer Littman’s Want to Go Private?
Geoff Herbach’s Stupid Fast
Siobhan Vivian’s A Little Friendly Advice
Wendy Mass’s 13 Gifts
Vera Brosgol’s Anya’s Ghost
Victoria Schwab’s The Near Witch
Janet Ruth Young’s The Babysitter Murders
Lisa Schroeder’s The Day Before
Linda Medley’s Castle Waiting vol 2
Lauren Strasnick’s Her and Me and You
Alexandra Robbins’s The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth
That would be every book in my initial pile (except Sarah Weeks’s Pie), plus three additional titles. Perhaps I read a little quicker than I thought — though I suspect I picked the right kinds of books to read quickly.
I really enjoyed all of my books this weekend, and I feel I had a good balance of serious vs less serious books. My favorites all weekend were, without doubt, a tie between Janet Ruth Young’s The Babysitter Murders and Geoff Herbach’s Stupid Fast. Both will be reviewed here closer to publication date.
Total Pages Read: 2,648
Total Cups of Tea Consumed: 11 (note this is also the number of books I read)
So what to do after all of this reading? I plan on finishing the Weeks book today and diving into more reading, perhaps something longer. I also plan on spending my afternoon cleaning out my book shelves so that I may donate my arcs and finished copies provided by publishers to my teens for their summer reading prizes. I’ll post a picture and count there, but I think the biggest reward I can get from this is shipping those books off to new homes and new readers.
I took a few minutes to write my reviews after I finished the books, but I didn't post them. I'll see how coherent they are when I get around to putting them up.
This year I looked more at books that didn't need my reviews, having gotten plenty already, which left me free to write more loose "reactions" to the books. Great job on your reading! And for matching your cups to tea to books, a special kudos.
Hooray, reading buddy!!! I've got The Babysitter Murders on my nook, so maybe I will have to dive into that one this week… Congrats!
I'm on hold for Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth at the library. Can't wait to read your review!
Man you got a lot done! I have to write a few reviews, after the fact and I hope I can keep my stories straight!
wow you did awesome I did pretty good read some great books and even reread a awesome book that really touches your heart! love those books