Hours read: 12 hours
Hours spent social networking with other participants: 1 hour — I’m planning on taking a small break from reading to do this for a while.
Books finished since last update:
Books read total: 6
Book breakdown: 4 adult books (one being a graphic novel), 1 YA book, 1 middle grade book
Cups of tea consumed: 7 (yes, I’ve had 4 since the last update)
Distractions: cheese-filled soft pretzels and the view of the other side of the couch I’m reading on, which is this
All three of my cats are sound asleep. The house is almost peaceful, if you ignore the fact all three of them snore.
Current embarrassment: I misspelled “challenge” in the title of my last update post, and it took me until now to realize that. I changed it, but it will forever be in the web address of that post. Sigh.
Biggest laughs: The book Idaho Winter had me laughing like crazy. The book doesn’t just reference Jurassic Park and Green Day — those things/people actually happen in the story.
You should know: I am not going to review every book I read this weekend on STACKED. It’d kill me. But I am writing reviews — short ones — over at Goodreads. Let’s be friends there if we are not already.
Up next: I am going to paint my nails a sort of blood red color and figure out which YA I should read next. I’m debating between Lost Girls or something straight contemporary. Or maybe not. I just know I need a reading break for a bit.
Way to go! (My dog is currently snoring beside me, so I know all about the animal snores.)
Enjoy the break.