* Lest you worry: this is a review of the workout DVD, and because I was asked repeatedly to talk about what I was doing, I thought I’d share my experiences with anyone who might be interested.
Twenty days ago (technically, 21 days ago), I embarked on something I’ve tried to do before and failed mercilessly at multiple times: Jillian Michaels’s 30 Day Shred. If you don’t know who Jillian is, she’s well known for being one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser and has earned a reputation for being, how to say, tough.
That’s one of the nicer words I can think of for her. At least, it was back in the earlier days. Now, I think I kind of love this woman for that very reason.
A friend convinced me to join in with her to do the workout video. As I mentioned before, I’ve failed at doing this numerous times. Usually, I get to day 2 or 3 and say I’m not strong enough, I’m a failure, I’m way too out of shape, [insert other excuse of choice here for why I quit]. But I thought, well, I can try again. I mean, I’ve failed before and I’ve come to accept that as part of how things roll.
Before I explain a whole lot more, here are some things you should know about me. If the average US woman is a size 14, I am slightly larger than that. Over the last couple of years I’ve really changed a lot of my habits in terms of eating and fitness, and as a result, I’ve lost something like 50 pounds (it’s hard to say precisely since I am something like 70 or 80 pounds lower than my highest weight in 2008). I eat fairly healthfully, meaning lots of fruits and vegetables, very little white meat, no red meat at all, little processed food, and I gave up drinking all forms of pop (though I do like a natural pop once in a while and do not tell myself no on it). I talked about how I incorporated a treadmill desk into my routine, and I made a habit of walking on it most days for at least a mile (usually at a 20-25 minute/mile pace). I don’t have any health issues, aside from a pair of weak ankles from injuries way back in the day. The short version: I’m a healthy but shapely lady.
The 30 Day Shred is set up in three different levels, each building upon one another, and each level lasts for 10 days. Each level consists of three circuits, and each circuit is made up of three different sets of work outs. You do 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs in each of the circuits, for a grand total of working out roughly 25 minutes. This includes a warmup, which is essential, and a cool down that I found pretty worthless. Jillian leads the work outs, but she has 2 girls who help her out throughout, one who does modifications to the moves and one who does advanced modifications to the moves (my advice is to ignore her — though she cheats more than once and so that might help with your own self esteem). To do the workout, you should have a pair of hand weights, but they are not essential to the video if you do not have them. I began with 2 pound weights.
Level 1 of Shred looks like this:
- Warm up: arm crosses, windmills, jumping jacks, hip circles, knee circles, jumping jacks.
- Circuit one strength (3 minutes): 30 seconds of push ups, 1 minute of squat and press and repeat
- Circuit one cardio (2 minutes): 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds of jump rope, and repeat
- Circuit one abs (1 minute): 30 seconds crunches, 30 seconds reverse crunches
- Circuit two strength (3 minutes): 30 seconds dumbell row, 1 minute static lunge with bicept curl, and repeat
- Circuit two cardio (2 minutes): 30 seconds butt kicks, 30 seconds punches (my favorite!) and repeat
- Circuit two abs (1 minute): side crunches
- Circuit three strength (3 minutes): 30 seconds chest flies, 1 minute anterior raises and side lunges, and repeat
- Circuit three cardio (2 minutes):Β 30 seconds of each of the previous cardio moves
- Circuit three abs (1 minute): bicycle crunches
If you want to actually see what it looks like, the video is on youtube, but obviously, I don’t recommend using that as your video (legalities, etc., and really, the thing is $7 on Amazon so just spend the cash).
So while it sounds unintimidating (because come on: jumping jacks, anyone can do those!), I’ll be honest: I did not make it through the entire work out on the first day. I quit at the start of circuit three, feeling like I was going to keel over on the floor and never get up again. I felt awful physically because everything hurt and awful emotionally and mentally because I could not get through the first level. I took it at that, got mad at myself, and put it away for the day. My thinking was that I at least DID a work out, which is more than I was doing before. Even if it sucked.
And then I spent the next day in horrific pain, hardly able to walk, and absolutely dreading day 2 of the work out (which is the same thing). I worried I’d be completely defeated again, unable to get through the workout, and then I’d give in to one of those excuses and quit all together. When I say I could hardly walk, I mean I could hardly walk. I won’t tell you how ugly it was trying to move around the house, let alone getting in and out of chairs. Everything hurt. Every. Thing.
I started day two though, and after talking with a friend about how she modified some of the moves, I decided that rather than feel completely defeated by the things I could not do during the circuits, I was going to make modifications on them and be okay with it. I could not do a pushup for the life of me. Not even a modified one (you know, knees on the ground, only lifting some of your weight). I decided to do wall pushups instead. It’s still an exercise with resistance, but it wasn’t going to require quite as much of me and would make me feel like I was doing something even if it wasn’t quite what they were doing on the video.
Day 2, I got through the entire level. I was absolutely dead at the end, but rather than let myself get defeated by something like being unable to do a modified pushup, I just did something I could do. Same went during the first circuit of cardio: although I could do all the jumping jacks and could do the jump rope, I had a very hard time doing them in conjunction with one another. Like, my muscles couldn’t coordinate them right. So rather than be frustrated, I substituted the jogging in place for the jump rope. Much better. Day 2 was still ugly, and the resulting feeling the day after of pain, pain, and more pain didn’t go away. The worst pain on that day was in my quads, followed by intense knee pain. Just so you know where we’re standing at now.
But something clicked about day 3 for me. I think it was the fact that I knew I was in so much pain that quitting would feel like I was in pain for nothing and the fact that I’d given myself permission to tackle things as I needed to tackle them, but day 3, I got through the whole work out. And I even did a couple of pushups on the floor without the wall (not all of them, just a couple!). But that was more than the day before. I also made sure to wear good shoes while working out which helped significantly with the knee and quad pain in subsequent days.
After day 3, the work out got easier for me. It didn’t ever get easy through the next few days of the first level, but I felt immediate differences in my endurance and in the ability I had to get through the things I failed spectacularly on in the first days. Let me repeat this and make it very clear: I was in a lot of pain. This is not an easy work out. A good friend of mine who is a runner said that she prefers running three miles to doing 20 minutes of Shred because it is easier. So contextualize that.
The physical changes though were near immediate for me. I knew going in that I wouldn’t lose much, if any, weight during the program (despite the claims on the box, I have a hard time believing anyone could actually lose 20 pounds on this). But I weighed myself, and then I took measurements on day 2 of the program. I measured my upper arms, my chest, my waist, my hips, and my upper thigh.
At the end of day 5 of the circuit — three days after my initial measuring — I had lost an inch in my arms, one in my chest, half an inch in my waist, one in my hips, and half an inch in my thigh. Not too shabby. For me, taking those measurements was incredibly motivational. I felt my clothes fitting a little bit better, too. But it was at the end of day 10, which is the final day in level 1, where I found myself actually somewhat eager for level 2. I’d lost two inches in my arms, one in my chest, one and a half in my waist, three in my hips (!!) and an inch and a half in my thigh. I had to buy new pants. It was pretty fantastic.
More than that, though, I felt great. I could get through the entire level without dying (it still hurt like hell, but I made it through). My endurance had definitely increased throughout, and I could do all of the pushups (modified on the floor) by the end. Maybe most exciting for me was how awesome my skin looked. I’ve always had less-than-amazing skin, but my skin had a really nice glow to it and was very clear and bright. Talk about a huge ego boost.
I took a day off to rest between levels, and then when I started level 2, I found myself back where I was with level 1: I could hardly make it through. It sucked. It was awful. I felt like all I had done in level 1 was for nothing and I wrote a teary email to more than one person about how I felt like a failure and I wasn’t strong enough.
OF COURSE I WAS, but being thrown back into that insecure, weak place in level 2 was a reminder that there was still a lot I could improve on. But knowing what I knew about how I worked in level 1, I decided that day 2 of level 2, I would be making modifications as needed. I won’t lay out the movements in level 2, but they are significantly more challenging than level 1, and many of them involve plank pose (which if you have weak wrists, well, they’re tough is all I can say). As I made those plans for modifications, though, the other thing I did was set goals for myself. By the end of day 4, I told myself I would be doing 70% of the plank twists (which is the last ab movement in circuit three of level 2). By day 5, I would do them all. Setting those mini goals within the bigger goals motivated me, and I achieved them.
Today is my last day of level 2, and aside from moving up from the two pound weight to the three pound weight in this level, I feel like I learned a lot about how much I can push myself. The pain, I will say, has been non-stop during this level, but it’s an entirely different kind of pain than in level 1. This time, it feels like there is constant tingling in my abs, in my hips, in my thighs and my back.
But the results? As of earlier this week when I measured — and I plan on measuring when I finish day 10 of this level today — I’d lost 3 inches in each arm, 2.5 in my chest, 3 in my waist, 5 (actually, 6, since I did measure there yesterday) in my hips, and 3 in each of my thighs. I guess if you measure that all up, it’s over 24 inches total.
In 20 days.
There are ten days left for me, and I am not going to lie: I’m terrified of what I’ll feel like after the first day of level 3. I am prepared to suck at it, prepared to cry at the end when I feel like I’ve just sucked it up. I’ve already given the heads up to my support folks they’re going to probably hear me whining about how I can’t do it. Except, I know that after doing this for 20 days, I can do it for another ten. I just have to make the modifications I need to make when and where I need to make them because it’s as simple as this: any movement is going to be better than no movement. Moreover, I know that by day 4 or 5, I’ll turn a corner again and by day 10, I’ll feel like I’ve got it. I’ll also measure again and hopefully see some movement, even if it’s simply in the way my clothes fit.
Now the part everyone probably really wants to know. I’ve laid out how I did it, but I have a ton of caveats for anyone who wants to do this:
- Jillian is tough as hell, but she is ultimately very encouraging. She will tell you she wants you to feel like you are going to die. But she does it because it is MOTIVATING. It is normal to feel like you are going to die. That means it is working.
- Follow the movements. I previewed the levels before doing them, and I tried out the moves before doing the entire level. This helped ensure I was doing the movements correctly with good form. It would be VERY easy to get hurt if you hurry through things without making sure you are doing them right.
- This is killer on the knees, on the joints, and on every muscle you can imagine. Be prepared to hurt. Be prepared to pop pain reliever (I found myself taking them before working out, which helped). You will be working things you didn’t know could hurt. That’s normal. But also pay attention to your body’s cues — if you know you’re hurting more than simply workout pain, take it easy on yourself. Don’t kill yourself. Not worth it. Modify, modify, modify, and take a day off here and there if you need to. Take breaks (short ones) during the circuits if you need to.
- Hydrate. I drank a glass of water before and a glass of water after, and obviously, plenty of water throughout the day. I work out first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, and it works for me. But other people might find themselves feeling ill because of this. If that’s the case, eat.
- Be motivated by other people’s progress but do not use it as a yardstick. My results are huge. Your results might not be the same in terms of numbers, but you have to find out what it is that will be a measurement of success for you. Is it fitting into smaller clothes? Is it getting through the entire level without dying? Is it simply working out every day? Pick something and use it. Then be surprised and pleased with the other outcomes (like the amazing skin!). Note here: I did not lose a single pound on this work out. In fact, I gained a couple pounds.
- Choose how hard core you will be. I chose not to diet at all. I chose to eat what it was I wanted to eat, when I wanted to eat it. I have had insane cravings for peanut butter and saltines (which makes sense — the protein and salt). I ate them. You can choose to overhaul your entire diet, too, but for me, that felt more like punishment than a commitment to fitness. Your mileage may vary.
- Be okay with making modifications. This is insanely important. Do not berate yourself if you have to change things to make them work for you. I am very easily demotivated by things like this. But changing that attitude was key. Also? If you need to stay on a level longer than 10 days, there is nothing wrong with that. If you need to go back to a level since the next one is simply too hard? No shame.
- Maybe the most important thing is this: have support. I do not know what I would do if there were not other people doing this with me that I could vent to and celebrate with. This is not easy. Jillian will tell you that. But what made the difference for me this time against all of the other times I’ve tried this and failed was that there were people who could cheer me on and tell me I wasn’t a failure when I felt like one. For me, that was enough push to do it the next day and the next day and the next. Of course, if you’re getting support, give it back. I personally find giving pep talks as encouraging, if not more encouraging, than getting it.
I’ve never been public or open about health/fitness-related things, so writing this out and talking about it openly (and even privately via many of those support-related emails) has been incredibly scary. That’s part of why there’s not a picture here openly to show off the differences in my body over the last 20 days. The thing is, being open about it has opened up some incredible discussions with other people, and I have been utterly shocked with how many people want to know what I’m doing and how I am doing it. I hope this helps someone decide to step up and do something — whether it’s Shred or not — because frankly, it has changed me in the last few weeks. I feel incredible, strong, and I feel like I can take on the things that are challenging. Maybe the biggest thing for me is that I don’t feel shame and I’m really coming to accept how I look isn’t as important as how I feel and how much I know I can do. The mental and emotional well-being is as crucial, if not more crucial, to me.
There are ten days left in the program for me, and I’ve been asked what my maintenance plan is when it’s over. Almost as if this is the end of things. But it’s not. I feel so encouraged by my progress that I don’t want to stop at all. I bought Jillian’s Ripped in 30, which is similar to Shred and I plan on tackling that next. Then maybe I’ll move onto one of her other videos. As much as I hated the woman at the beginning of this, I have found her to be the right level of what I need in a video instructor: she’s tough but she pushes because she knows that’s effective. At least for me. I’m motivated by being told I should feel like I’m going to die (there’s something comforting there).
Now that you’ve made it this far, the long and short of it is this: I think it’s worth it. It’s not going to be for everyone, though. It’s tough, and it’s a killer on the body, especially if you have any health/physical limitations. The thing is, if you’re willing to put in the work, even via making modifications, it is absolutely worth it. It’s only 25 minutes of your day.
I say it with utter sincerity: if someone in my shape can do it, I suspect most people can do it. Jillian has worked with people on all sides of the weight and fitness scale. I trust her ability to know what works and what doesn’t, and I never felt like there was something impossible in the work out. Just very challenging and maybe not achievable for me — just yet.
DVD dusted off from my shelf at home.Β
You are a badass.
Even away on vacation, I had to read this. Thank you for sharing the details (both here and on Twitter) and I know that I will be cursing and thanking you when I start this next week.
And I agree, you are a badass. π
But you will get through it! It's worth it.
This is fantastic. And massively encouraging. Thanks so much for sharing, you're an inspiration!
Awww! Good luck to you if you start — it's hard, obviously, but worth it.
What a great breakdown of the program. I've done it periodically and love how proud I feel when I get through the various levels π Level 3 is crazy, but you'll get through it and rock it by the end!
Guh, that's sort of my fear about level 3, but I also sort of think getting through it will be rewarding in and of itself.
I did 30 day shred for about a week before stopping & it was the hardest workout. You are so right about everything hurting. But I've been wanting to get back and you are my motivation. You are AMAZING. Know that and own that. <3
There's something in my eye, Carolyn. It is a very hard workout. And everything STILL hurts. BUT I HOPE YOU DO GET BACK ON IT. When you're feeling better, that is!
This is a great review of the 30 day shred. I love this program even though most of the time I am cussing Jillian out during it. I can't wait to see what you think of Ripped. I have been kind of nervous about checking out her other DVDs.
I don't even have the fortitude to cuss at her anymore because it's such a workout.
I've got a friend doing Ripped right now and she's having great results. I'm hoping to say the same.
Such an awesome review. I never had the faintest desire to do the Shred program until you started talking about it on Twitter. I loved your hilarious and encouraging commentary, and I'm looking forward to Phase 3.
My fitness history is really similar to the way you describe yours. I'm definitely inspired to pick this up and give it a try.
Good luck! It's, uh, not easy and not fun but worthwhile. At least I think so.
I started shredding yesterday based on your Tweets. I needed something to kick-start me back into regular exercise. The baby's now old enough she's no longer a valid excuse. π
You may also like workouts by Erin O'Brien. Same blend of cardio and strength. She's just as tough, but not as mean as Jillian, and just as encouraging. I also like the way she says little things to remind you of form during the sets. Also, a lot of her commentary is about building strength, not about losing weight, which I appreciate on an intellectual level.
But big congratulations on getting this far and on such improvement in just 20 days! You're inspiring.
I don't know if I think Jillian is mean. She's just tough. Which, frankly, I need. I can get ENCOURAGEMENT afterward and before. I need the tough love during.
But I'll look into Erin O'Brien.
Good luck! The first days are the hardest, I think.
Yeah, "mean" wasn't the right word. Erin's also tough but a little more inspiring. (She has an uncanny knack of saying "Yes, you can" at the exact right moment.)
I will have to check her out. But oh how I love me some Jillian.
Kelly, this post is super inspiring! Thank you for sharing your experiences with this workout program. I totally agree with your recommendation to keep trying, even if you have to modify. Doing SOMETHING is always better than doing NOTHING. I've never done the Shred, but I am a huge advocate for hanging in there and doing what you can, rather than giving up- because I can seldom do anything "right" the first time when it comes to physical activity. It always takes me a while. Kudos to you for sticking with it!
I love that you blogged about this.
Thanks Allison. I agree: doing SOMETHING is definitely better than doing NOTHING.
This is such a great post Kelly because I'm doing the same exact work out! I found the DVD at a library sale and I decided to try it and it's worked wonders! Glad it's helping you too!
Yay! I love hearing it is working for other people, too. That is in and of itself a huge motivation, at least for me.
I admire that you're committing to the true 30 Day aspect of this workout. Due to foot/ankle issues, I had to back off on that, but I try to do the Shred twice a week, or some of Jillian's other workouts, along with lower impact workouts.
I bought Ripped in 30, but I'm scared to try it. :0 I'm also doing her Fast Fix Kickboxing, and she has a couple hilarious Jillian-esque quotes there that make me laugh when I feel like dying.
I have a friend who alternates Shred with other stuff during the week. I mean, it's not worth it to push yourself straight if you're dealing with potential hurt parts, you know?
I love her quotes. I'm seriously going to miss her commentary on gargling my heart now that I'm done on level 2. I eagerly await the gems in level 3, though.
Hmm, I wish there was a magic formula to lose weight because I'm not into exercise at all!
But I digress. Let me see: one pound = 3,500 calories. To lose 20 pounds (or 70,000 calories) in 30 days, one need to burn 2,333 calories per day. But you also must eat, and a balanced diet equals 2,000 calories a day. So in reality, I'd just need to burn 333 calories a day and be rid off 20 pounds in 30 day. Right? Is this math right?
Losing weight is a LOT of work, and there are absolutely no easy solutions (especially if you want to keep it off). I LIKE exercising, but for me, it's a matter of what's effective/worthwhile. I usually go for easy stuff which isn't always as impactful.
As far as the math, the lame but true answer is that it's different for everyone. 2,000 calories a day is a lot, in my mind. I usually aim for 1500-1600. Even if I theoretically burned off enough calories for a pound a week, it doesn't necessarily mean that'll translate on the scale. Which is why I quite worrying about that and instead focused on how I felt/looked/my clothes fit/etc. Every person's body and metabolism is so different that suggesting one solution isn't fair, you know?
Okay, feeling totally inspired by this post. /runs off to buy 30 Day Shred
Thanks so much for sharing!
Good luck! It's tough, but worth it.
Thanks for sharing this, Kelly. I think that you rock. And you made me want to try this (trying on end of season bathing suits today before an upcoming Hawaii trip was also a factor ;-)). Thanks!
Good luck Jen! And thanks! It's tough tough tough but definitely worthwhile.
You rock, Kelly! I know how tough Shred is and I give you major props for sticking with it! I usually give up after a week because I'm so sore and hating Jillian so much lol. I will say that it helps to stick with it because my muscles kept getting stronger and I felt them loosen up each day. I hope you let us know what Ripped is like! π
I definitely notice that even though I am sore that my muscles are loosening up and getting stronger, if that makes sense.
I will talk about Ripped if I get through it. Carrie is doing it right now and makes it sound manageable/comparable to Shred, but just set up a little differently.
I am so inspired by you and your 'friend.' π I have been banned from Jillian until I'm done breastfeeding (um, so like 10 more months) since apparently pregnancy/breastfeeding hormones make your joints all loose and by Day 8 I'd totally screwed up both my knees. π However, I found the same inspiration in Jillian–her tough approach completely works for me–and despite horrific knee pain, I was reluctant to quit. I will be returning to The Shred at my earliest opportunity! Keep going, Kelly! I absolutely love hearing about your progress and determination. π
Aw Emily! <3 Even though you're banned for the time being, at least it's for a good and legitimate reason and you actually WANT to return when you can.
Also, that you quote 'friend' there makes it look like I'm making it up entirely. ahaha.
Thanks for the heart-felt post! I'm an overweight librarian who now is going to checkout this DVD and see what happens. I did Couch-to-5K this summer, but am looking for something a little easier on my knees than pounding pavement.
It's tough on the knees, but maybe in a different way than running. Enjoy!
Congratulations! But just so you know, I think level 2 is harder than level 3, so don't stress too much. π
I did the first day of level 3 today and felt like it was the "best" first day of a level so far. Tough for sure, but achievable, too. DEFINITELY easier than level 2.
Wall pushups?! YOU ARE SO SMART.
Thank you. I'll keep that in mind when I start the Shred again… which I have failed every time because, omgpushups.
I just finished day 2 and I'm pretty sure I will never walk again. Feel free to laugh hysterically next time you see me.
Thank you for this post! After reading it when you originally posted, I went out and bought the DVD along with some 2lb. hand weights. It's only been a couple days for me so far on the first level, and I am dying (my legs are so sore!), but your post was motivational and I'm eager to keep moving on with it. My goal is to tone, and I can definitely see how this type of workout can do that (I mean, how can it not?). Thanks so much for throwing in a workout DVD review to the blog, and please keep us posted with your future workouts and results – you're doing so great!
this is so inspiring! I work out now a lot more regularly than I did a couple years ago, but I feel like I need more of a kickstart. Thanks for sharing your experience. – Tessa
stumbled upon your blog and couldn't thank you enough for writing this. i've been feeling extremely discouraged and downright, lazy. thank you for showing that if you just put your mind to it, you can get through it.
thank you, thank you, thank you.
best wishes.
Hey there! Thanks so much for your story…I'm definitely going to start this as soon as I can get my hands on some free weights. I have a couple of questions I was hoping you could help me with:
1. What is the nutrition side of the 30 day shred? I've found the workout, but I'm trying to find what the diet part of it is and can't seem to find it…Any ideas or suggestions?
2. I need to lose somewhere around 60 pounds, and since this program is geared for a 20 pound weight loss, what do I do at the end? Can I do the 30 day shred 3 times?
1. I don't have any idea, since I didn't do that part at all. I'm sure you can just look up Jillian's diet suggestions. She has a couple of books on staying slim and being healthy. I suspect there's plenty there!
2. Well…I think I lost maybe 10 or 15 pounds total and I've been doing it since July. Don't use it as your weight loss method. Use it as your work out routine.
I know you posted this a while ago but I wanted to let you know that you actually aren't supposed to do it without rest periods between days.
Someone asked people on the site and they said yes. But Jillian did a podcast for KFI radio station and someone asked if it was to be done every day and Jillian said no, you don't do it consecutively and are supposed to mix it with cardio training for best results.
I'm at level 2 of day 2 and I feel fine, a little sore but well, I see the results, I hope to finish all three levels and happier!
This has been very helpful. I like to know what I'm getting into rather than going in blindly. Your tips and details of everything were great. Thank you.
I just started my 30DS. I am on Day 6 :). I am glad I stumbled across your blog. Its motivating to see fellow shredders and their results. I hope my body responds as well as yours did.
Just like you, am maintaining a log of my progress, without pictures(I am self-conscious too). I really really hope I have good results by the end of Day 30.
Thank you for your post. It's helping me stay inspired and keep going.
I tried, and failed, at the Shred in October. I had given birth late August 2012 and almost really hurt myself trying to jump into exercise so quickly. My baby will be a year old next month, so that isn't an excuse anymore. On day 2. I hurt, well more like ache. Not the serious pain I had before but still ouch. Just want to say thanks! I was feeling defeated and your review has lifted my spirits and brought back my motivation!
By far the best and the most detailed review I have read on the internet. I am on level 1, day 4. I started this program 6 days ago and have skipped 2 days (Monday and Wednesday)in the middle. Somehow I am not able to do it everyday, but after reading your review I am very encouraged and motivated to continue and do at-least 5 times a week. hoping to see some good results soon π Thanks π
Thanks so much! This is one of the best ones I have read and genuinely did help. I was wondering when to move over to level 2 and since I am done with 10 days, actually 11, ill move over to level 2. I don't know if I have lost any fat since I don't feel it honestly but I am not going to give up and continue with it. And thank you so much on clarifying on the diet bit. I have just started eating healthy, limiting my alcohol intake and avoiding fried stuff completely, but otherwise continuing with my regular intake. Was wondering if I should have done more, but your view on that certainly helps. Lets hope I shred soon
Thank you for this review! I can relate so much! π I'm looking for reviews like these and progress thingies and it just boosts my enthusiasm to shred! π
I am so glad I stumbled upon this review. I'm on day 2 of Level 1 and I can hardly walk, or even push the brake pedal because my quads hurt so bad. My diet is similar to yours and I am not trying to lose weight as much as I am wanting to not be a flabby mess. I'm also not looking for the stupid thigh gap, my thighs will always touch, I just want to feel good about my dating and honestly, I want guys to tell me my body looks great (hello summer dating scene!) whatever motivates you, right? π Again, thanks for this review. You seriously are my motivation right now, and I'm bookmarking this so I can come back and read it during Week 2.
I want to thank you so so so much for all these details!! I recently came across this "30 Day Shred" and I am eager to try this out!! I believe that if I do this twice then I may be able to get to my goal before school starts again. I know results may vary and that's why I'm including other things the second time I do it. Again thank you so much. Enough talk, I'm going to go do it right now!! π
I loved reading this article. I'm a personal trainer and I use moves and circuits directly from the 30 day shred sometimes with my ladies, because I did the video years ago, when it first came out and had amazing results. I applaud your willingness to do something out of the box for you and share your results and your thoughts and feelings. It is so refreshing to have someone acknowledge that they found something tough and wanted to quit. You don't find many people willing to share that. It is an inspiration to other people. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work!
LOve this post!
i’Ve started this program and given up many times. Your post made me feel alot better.
I actually started my first day of level 1 yesterday again.
This tIme though, I am ready to commit!
SO, how about an update, kelly?! It’s been a while since this post. how are you doing? is it still working for you?
You’ve inspired me to write one! Keep your eyes peeled — should be soon π
i’m halfway to finishing level one and i almost quit today. but then i read your post and i got filled with motivation. thank youuuuu!
I have to laugh I started this yesterday and thought I have to do part 2 today now I see part 1 is 10 days part 2 is 10 days and part 3 is 10 days lol I am relieved me too had a hard time getting through part 1 and part 2 I’m glad to know that I only have to do part one for the next 8 days and thank you for filling us in on the journey definitely an inspiration i Too, cannot do a push up to save my life lol
This is a great article. I just started the shred yesterday and today i can barely move. Glad to know it’s not just me. I was going to skip it today, but after reading this i will give it a try.
I am so glad I found this! I am on day 5 and have gone back to work this week from maternity leave and I was thinking ‘I will have a rest tonight’ well thank you because now I’m getting up to just do it, it’s a 20 minute workout, there is no excuse ??
Hope this doesn’t show in all caps. Can’t seem to change it to lower case… Love your review. I’m on day 6 of the first level.. Would really like to hear how the rest of the shred went for you. Love your perspective.
I’m getting ready to start my shred tomorrow. Scared to death! Just need to get in shape for my son’s wedding next year. Wish me luck!
Honestly, i Sweat like a pig during the workout and i don’t diet. i eat Processed food and a chocolate here and therE. I am 5’2 aNd i weigh 136 Lbs. But i feel like the insane workout shouldn’t be a puniShment that i should diet too,
Did level 1 for 5 days. Took a day off and started level 2. 3rd day on level 2
Thanks for the artiCle, keep writing and let us know how is it going π
Can i ask how much weight you lost? My oldrs sister has been telling me to do this and i read your blog and noa i wanan do it!!! I have a good feeling about it. I got a beach trip in august and i gotta loose some wieght. So if you dont mine me asking how much weight did you loose??
Th thank you for such a wonderful review! I have been I have been doing Pilates first long as I remember. they are difficult but I never saw the results that I wanted. you are such an inspiration! am about the same size that you were, and I am hoping with hard work like yours that I can accomplish something great like you did. I ALSO realize this was posted years ago AND you may never see this! LOL!
I’ve started out on the Beginner’s 30 day shred. next I may progress to the regular 30 day shred. i really like jillian, i think that she cares.
The way you wrote this made me cry.
Our feelings are so similar!
Whenever I feel like quitting I’ll read this text all over again.
Thank you very much. β‘ you surely are helping lots of people.
Greetings from Colombia.
Thank you for sharing!
I just finished day 1 of Level 1…
Made it through, but just barely.
Your words were very encouraging, i will continue and I will prevail!
This is an awesome read! I felt so shamed that I only made it through part of level one yesterday and was ;looking up ways to modify the push ups which I am pretty sure I was not even doing with good form. Thank you so much for sharing and motivating me to continue! Looking forward to day two tonight! Also as far as dieting. I am on a keto diet (low carb) and just from the changes I have made in my diet I am down 30lbs in 3 months which is huge. I have never felt so great in my life.