About the Author: Mindy McGinnis is a YA librarian who lives in Ohio and cans her own food. She graduated from Otterbein University magna cum laude with a BA in English Literature and Religion. Mindy has a pond in her back yard but has never shot anyone, as her morals tend to cloud her vision. Mindy runs a blog for aspiring writers at Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire. She also contributes to the group blogs The Lucky 13s, Friday the Thirteeners, Book Pregnant, and From the Write Angle. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook, as well as Pinterest.
About Not a Drop to Drink: The story of a teenage girl surviving in a rural America where an ounce of fresh water is worth more than gold and death wanders the countryside as thirst, cholera, and the guns of strangers; when her mother dies in an accident, the girl must decide between defending her pond alone or banding together with a crippled neighbor, a pregnant woman, a filthy orphan, and a teenage boy who awakens feelings she doesn’t understand.
Today, we’ve got a short Twitterview with Mindy to share!
Pitch your book in 140 characters:
In a world without water, Lynn’s pond is life, her rifle its guardian.
Who will this book appeal to:
Anyone who drinks water and likes being alive.
Favorite moment or character in your book:
Anytime the very secluded Lynn meets a new person it throws her. She has no idea how to interpret teasing or flirting.
What’s your writing routine:
Mostly I write when I get a chance. It’s always evening. And I make sure I pee first.
What’s your best piece of writing advice:
Don’t feel like you have to write everyday to be a “real” writer.
What’s been the most surprising part of the publishing journey:
The fact that someone wanted me in the first place. I’d been writing and querying for ten years, so it was a bit of a shock.
What did you do when you learned your book would be published:
Honestly, I went into shock and scooped the litter pan.
What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve received:
Trust your reader. Don’t try to control what they “see.”
What are your top three favorite books:
THE STAND by Stephen King…after that — Really? Only two more??
What’s next for you:
The sequel to Not a Drop to Drink, currently titled A Handful of Dust, is going through crit partners.
Find out more about Mindy McGinnis’s Not a Drop to Drink on Goodreads.