We’re excited to be working with the Class 2K13 group of middle grade and young adult authors. These are all authors who will be making their MG or YA debuts in 2013, and they’ve each stopped by to participate in either a short Twitterview or guest post for us. We’re hoping it gets some new titles and authors on our radars (and yours!).
We’ll be running 2 to 3 posts per day from now until the end of the year, and each one will come complete with a short author bio, as well as information about their forthcoming releases (and release dates).
Don’t worry though — we’ll be chiming in from time to time through the end of the year, too, to share our regular content (including our “favorites” lists of titles from this year). But we had the opportunity to work with this group, and we thought it would benefit not just us to know what’s coming down the pipe, but also it would benefit our readers.
We hope you enjoy this! There are some great posts here, and they’ve definitely gotten us excited about their books.